Monday, May 27, 2013

Photography Challenge Time!

Alright, so this girl has been dying to do a photography challenge for a very long time now and so I have been looking around. You see there are many many photography challenges out there. There are the iPhoneography challenges, the Instagram photography challenges, the "what did I eat today" challenges and I was not keen on trying any of those. However, in my long long loooong time of looking and searching I have found a winner! It was created by a guy named Josh who teaches photography in a pretty fantastically easy way on his blog here. I encourage you to go check out his site. 
He came up with this wonderful photography challenge! He is already finished with it but I am going to do it anyway! 

Now to explain why I love this one so much. Since I started getting into photography I have not been to keen on taking my own picture because I am a perfectionist when it comes to my photos and it is very hard to get a decent self-portrait. Well, most photography challenges out there have a lot of those kind of pictures.  Also a lot have some silly ones like what did I eat today or what did I wear and I do not exactly like that sort of photography. Well, this brilliant photo challenge has some amazing challenges! It is really going to challenge my skills as a photography. So it will really be a photography CHALLENGE! I am super excited to see how this works. It is a 30 day challenge but I have a feeling it is going to take me longer then 30 days with my busy schedule. Sadly I cannot just take pictures all day like I would love to! So I am happy to announce that Amy Lee Photography is going to be doing this 30 POST photography challenge! 
Here is how it will work. Since it has a lot of things I have never tried before and I am sure there are things on that list that you are looking at thinking "WHAT IS THAT?!?", I will explain what each thing means as I post for each picture.
So, let me know what you think! 
Keep Smiling! <3

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